EO4GEO will participate to the ESA Phi-Week’s Education side event, taking place on 11 September in ESA ESRIN (Frascati, Rome)!
The need to attract young people to the STEM disciplines (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) has been identified for years: a non- traditional, innovative approach to teaching and learning these disciplines is needed at all levels.
Participants of the workshop “A hitchhiker’s guide to the EO education Galaxy – needs, opportunities, constraints and perspectives for 21st century skills development” will discuss how to set “a reference frame for present and future educational initiatives in the field of EO, with eyes wide open on the professional world of the future”.
The workshop is made by two parts: in the first one, presentations by experts in EO and education will set the scene. Mónica Miguel-Lago (EARSC) and Stefan Lang (University of Salzburg) will represent EO4GEO with a contribution on EO skill mapping and strategy. The second part will host an interactive discussion between all the actors, to recap and consolidate needs and opportunities.
More info on the side event here.
The Phi-Week Workshop (Frascati, Rome, 9-13 September 2019), organized by ESA, will review the latest developments in Opens Science trends, including a variety of events (workshops, roundtables, startup pitch).

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