We are pleased to announce next set of EO4GEO project events in Zagreb from June 2nd till 5th. In cooperation with Ministry of Science and Education of Croatia and support from DG DEFIS under the Croatian Presidency of the Council of the European Union following events should take the place:
2nd Earth Observation Summit on June 2nd and 3rd is a conference organised by EO4GEO consortium which intends to bring together representatives of academic, business, NGO and public sector being involved in or have interest for Earth Observation and related areas with the goal to look in a multidisciplinary manner at the future occupational profiles, necessary curriculums, interconnections and tools in the Earth Observation domain with the special focus on user uptake of Copernicus programme.
Eyes on Earth roadshow should also take place on June 2nd and 3rd parallel to EO Summit. EoE roadshow is DG EASME and DG DEFIS event organised by partner consortium presenting a combination of masterclasses and business & technical lectures, combining learning and doing.
The programme also includes an exposition of services providers, start-up companies, an interactive and fun exhibition and a dedicated tool for matchmaking. The ‘Eyes on Earth’ Roadshow especially wants to encourage interest in the space and Earth observation amongst young people, students and would be entrepreneurs; demonstrate exciting careers opportunities in this industry; and help those trying to grow their business to be even more successful through the use of space data.
Following EO Summit and EoE roadshow, on June 4th and 5th the 5th EO4GEO Progress Meeting should take place.
The venue of all events is conference centre in Šubićeva 29 in Zagreb.
Further info, logistics and draft agenda(s) will be available soon at the link www.eosummit-zagreb.eu
Special note regarding COVID-19 situation:
Due to the COVID-19 epidemy outbreak, for the case that present situation with travel ban will continue, the events will be organized on-line!

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