In the frame of the Inspire Conference 2020, EO4GEO will participate in the workshop “Vocabularies for describing and enhancing GI/EO Knowledge and Skills for INSPIRE and Copernicus”, which will be held online on June 11.
INSPIRE and Copernicus both develop data and service infrastructures and are trying to improve user uptake by improving its basic knowledge and skills in the GI and EO/RS fields.
The workshop will demonstrate the importance to use interrelated terms and ontologies for skills development in the geospatial and space sectors. These linked vocabularies could be used to support different activities in both fields, such as the design of curricula, the definition of job profiles, CV comparisons and more.
Experts and stakeholders which work or plan to work on vocabularies and ontologies in the geospatial field are invited to join by registering at this link:
Workshop detailed program
The INSPIRE and Copernicus initiatives are quite similar. They developed rich data and service infrastructures and are challenged to improve the user uptake, i.e. the use and integration of the data and services into new innovative applications in the context of Governmental processes and activities of the private, public and academic sectors. From that perspective, a right knowledge and skills base is of utmost importance.
Therefore, the GI and EO/RS field should be clearly defined and the required skills of those involved should be enhanced. In order to do so, INSPIRE through the ELISE action and Copernicus through the EO4GEO Erasmus+ project have and are currently working on Knowledge Transfer and Skills development activities.
The workshop brings together stakeholders that have worked, currently work or plan to work on vocabularies and ontologies that describe the geospatial and space fields. These vocabularies and ontologies could support the design of curricula, the definition of job profiles, the comparison of CV’s, the description of ongoing research and the research agendas of organisations, the identification and continuous adaptation of the knowledge landscape in both fields. The vocabularies and ontologies could also be the basis for describing and documenting the tasks of location enabled Government processes, and work processes in the academic and private sectors.
Agenda of the session
- 16:00-16:05 – Introduction to the workshop (Glenn Vancauwenberghe, KU Leuven)
- 16:05-16:15 – EO4GEO – The Space/Geospatial Sector Skills Alliance (Milva Carbonaro, GISIG)
- 16:15-16:25 – ELISE – Enabling Digital Government through Geospatial and Location Intelligence (Francesco Pignatelli and Lorena Hernandez, EC JRC)
- 16:25-16:40 – Vocabularies for INSPIRE implementation and use: linking tasks with skills (Danny Vandenbroucke, KU Leuven)
- 16:40-16:45 – An ontology-based Body of Knowledge for GI & EO (Marc Olijslagers, KU Leuven)
- 16:45-17:00 – Demonstration of the Living Text Book to define concepts, skills and more (Rob Lemmens, University of Twente)
- 17:00-17:15 – Defining a Job Offer for a company or public agency using the BoK (Sven Casteleyn and Estefanía Aguilar Moreno, University of Castellon)
- 17:15-17:30 – Q&A and discussion

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