EO4GEO will be the focus of the next EOcafe, the twice-monthly webinar covering a variety of Earth Observation topics organized by EARSC.
The EO sector is rapidly changing, bringing to a constant need for qualified personnel. Unfortunately, as attested by the EARSC Industry Survey, 80% of the companies find it difficult to hire the candidates with the right skills. The EO4GEO tools are designed to help cover this skills gap and shape the EO workforce of the future.
To know more about the EO4GEO tools, join the webinar “EOcafe – Skills are key for the future” on October 22, 16:00-16:45 CEST. The following arguments will be discussed:
- Current straight of skills in Europe;
- Current technologies trends affecting skills in the EO sector;
- The added value of the EO4GEO tools;
- Occupational Profile Tool and Job Offer Tool: how they can benefit EO companies;
- How the EO sector is prepared to join a Skill Alliance for delivering on the ambitions of the recovery pathway, the EU Industrial Strategy and the green and digital transition.
More info and registration here (registration is mandatory and free. Priority will be given to EARSC members).

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Join a Network pooling together expertise from academia, VET providers, company, public institutions, research centres and sectoral associations with the common goal of fostering skills development in the space and geoinformation downstream sector.