Webinar + Workshop: Heat islands and green infrastructure in urban areas

The EO4GEO Partner Geografiska Informationsbyrån GiB in collaboration with EO4GEO invites you to an introductory webinar adressing the issue of urban heat and urban heat islands. The webinar will be followeb by a workshop aiming at getting a hands-on experience with the data that is used to assess green infrastructure and heat islands in the urban environment.

The webinar contains mostly non-technical aspects and targets planners on different levels in cities or municipalities, Climate adaption coordinators, GIS technicians, researchers, and ecologists.

The workshop targets planners, climate adaptation coordinators, GIS technicians, researchers and ecologists that want to get a hands-on experience of using EO data for analyzing urban heat and green infrastructure.
The workshop will focus on the more technical aspects of how to analyze and assess heat islands and green infrastructure using EO and GIS data. After a short introduction, participants will work through examples on their own, supervised by the workshop leaders. We look at data sources and satellite sensors, tools for analyzing data and visualization of results. Each workshop example is followed by a Q&A session and discussion of the results.

Important information

The webinar and workshop are in Swedish language.
The workshop requires the use of a GIS program (e.g. QGIS or ArcGIS) and some basic GIS skills.

More information

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