Kick-off meeting of the EO4GEO Alliance

EO4GEO is proud to announce the kick-off meeting of the EO4GEO Alliance on November the 22nd, 2022.

The meeting is open to the Alliance members and will mark the official start of the Alliance General Assembly.

The EO4GEO Alliance is the reference network to bridge the skills gap between supply and demand of education and skills development in the European downstream segment of the space economy value chain.

The Alliance maintains, improves and further develops the results of the EO4GEO project Erasmus+ project (ended June 2022), as well as engaging its members in new initiatives and projects.

The GISIG Association, coordinator of the EO4GEO project, has the role of operational body of the Alliance.

Join now the EO4GEO Alliance. A Network made of 25 core partners and more than 50 associated partners from 22 countries.


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Be part of the SPACE4GEO Alliance and let’s discuss and work together on the supply and demand of skills in the EO/GIS sector. Stakeholders in the EO, GIS and Skills sectors are more than welcome!

Join a Network pooling together expertise from academia, VET providers, company, public institutions, research centres and sectoral associations with the common goal of fostering skills development in the space and geoinformation downstream sector.
