Copernicus Marine Workshop on 6-7 June 2019

NEREUS,  Mercator Ocean International  and the Azores Regional Government organize the workshop Copernicus Marine for Outermost and Maritime Regionson June 6-7 2019 in Horta City (Faial Island, Azores).

An important element of the workshop is training, education, accessing and better understanding needs of outermost and maritime regions. The event is organized in two parts: the first day will focus on the challenges and expectations of public authorities on the potential of Copernicus for maritime authorities, in presence and with the advice of Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service experts; the second day will be dedicated to a thematic hands-on technical training session on specific themes, chosen by participants via an online questionnaire made available during the registration process.

For info and registration, visit the website.

The UJI Campus

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