The EO4GEO project
An innovative strategy for skills development and capacity building in the EO/GI field
EO4GEO (January 2018 – June 2022) was an Erasmus+ Sector Skills Alliance gathering 25 partners from 13 EU countries, most of which are part of the Copernicus Academy Network. Be they from academia, public or private sector, they are all active in the education and training fields of the space / geospatial sectors.
Technological progress and globalisation offer tremendous opportunities for innovation, job creation and growth. This also requires people to acquire new skills in order to drive and support change.
But which skills are they, and how can we build and shape the workforce of the future? This is where EO4GEO steps in.
EO4GEO aimed to bridge the skills gap between the supply and demand of education and training in the space/geospatial sectors, fostering the uptake and integration of space/geospatial data and services in a broad range of application domains.
EO4GEO worked in a multi and interdisciplinary way and apply innovative solutions for its education and training actions: case-based and collaborative learning scenarios; learning-while-doing in a living lab environment; on-the-job training and co-creation of knowledge, skills and competencies.
The project started on January 1st, 2018 and ended in June 2022, closely collaborating with DG DEFIS (Copernicus) and DG EMPLOYMENT to reach its strategic objectives.

Fostering Copernicus user uptake

Copernicus, Europe’s ambitious Earth Observation programme, is a huge leap forward in terms of technological progress. Its entry in the stage of operability is enabling the production of a huge wealth of data: With six Copernicus Sentinel satellites in orbit, the Contributing missions and in situ sensors, over 12 TB of Earth Observation (EO) data is available every day. With more Sentinels to come and the launch of 5 DIAS platforms to allow an easier access to Copernicus data, we can expect impacts in terms of innovation, growth and jobs.
Technological progress and globalisation offer tremendous opportunities for innovation, growth and jobs. However, these developments require specific skills for people who are able to drive and support change. The EO4GEO Sector Skills Alliance aims at supporting the use of Copernicus data and services and unleash the programme full potential in terms of benefits for the EU economy and for its citizens.
“The collaboration between the public and private sectors on the one hand (demand) as well as the education system on the other (offer) is a key enabler of the mutual recognition of professional qualifications in the sector. The EO4GEO objectives align with the spirit of the Copernicus programme as it puts users in the driver seat.”
“The cooperation resulting from EO4GEO should lead to gathering skills intelligence on the sector, to translating the sectoral growth strategy into a sectoral skills strategy, to developing European ‘core’ occupational profiles and related curricula, and to promoting relevant sectoral qualifications and certifications and their recognition.”
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Be part of the SPACE4GEO Alliance and let’s discuss and work together on the supply and demand of skills in the EO/GIS sector. Stakeholders in the EO, GIS and Skills sectors are more than welcome!
Join a Network pooling together expertise from academia, VET providers, company, public institutions, research centres and sectoral associations with the common goal of fostering skills development in the space and geoinformation downstream sector.