
EO4GEO webinar: Data-driven platform for efficient farm management combining EO, IoT and GIS data


IGEA and EO4GEO invite you this Tuesday 8/3/2022 to a webinar entitled “Data-driven platform for efficient farm management combining EO, IoT and GIS data”. […]

EO4GEO webinar: Data-driven platform for efficient farm management combining EO, IoT and GIS data 2022-03-07T13:44:42+00:00

Eurisy events in February


Eurisy invite you this February to two major events: The “Copernicus and me” launch event on the 10th, and the workshop “Space for Cities: Earth Observation for sustainable development” on the 16th. Register now! […]

Eurisy events in February 2022-01-21T12:49:29+00:00

EO4GEO Sector Skills Strategy released!


Download now the Space/Geoinformation Sector Skills Strategy document.The strategy for skills development in the EO*GI sector goes public now. Learn how to support skills development in the EO*GI sector and get engaged with the EO4GEO Alliance to implement the Strategy through new initiatives and collaborations. […]

EO4GEO Sector Skills Strategy released! 2021-12-09T13:45:24+00:00

EO4GEO Webinar: Solar resource and forecasting at municipality level


The EO4GEO Partner UPAT in collaboration with the e-shape project, invites you this November 9th, 2021 at 14:00-15:30 CET to a webinar aimed to designate the potential role of solar energy resource and forecasting in solar farms’ efficient planning and operation. […]

EO4GEO Webinar: Solar resource and forecasting at municipality level 2021-10-22T15:28:00+00:00

EO4GEO Workshop 21-22 October 2021: Shaping the future workforce of the space/geospatial sector in Poland


NEREUS together with the regions of Mazovia and Podkarpackie (PL) organizes two virtual outreach workshops on “Shaping the future workforce of space / geospatial sector in Poland: EO/GI Skills needed & EO4GEO solutions”. […]

EO4GEO Workshop 21-22 October 2021: Shaping the future workforce of the space/geospatial sector in Poland 2021-10-12T12:02:45+00:00

Webinar + Workshop: Heat islands and green infrastructure in urban areas


The EO4GEO Partner Geografiska Informationsbyrån GiB in collaboration with EO4GEO invites you to an introductory webinar adressing the issue of urban heat and urban heat islands. The webinar will be followeb by a workshop aiming at getting a hands-on experience with the data that is used to assess green infrastructure and heat islands in the urban environment. […]

Webinar + Workshop: Heat islands and green infrastructure in urban areas 2021-09-27T13:56:36+00:00