Supported by EO4GEO
Organized by the Spatial Applications Division of KU Leuven with support of OGC, Hexagon, Informatie Vlaanderen and Merkator
25-27 June 2019, Leuven, Belgium.

Provinciehuis, the meeting venue (Copyright Provincie Vlaams-Brabant)
From 24 to 28 June 2019 the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) organizes the 111th OGC Technical Committee hosted by SADL, the Spatial Applications Division of KU Leuven, and supported by Hexagon, Informatie Vlaanderen and Merkator.
In parallel SADL, the EO4GEO scientific and technical coordinator, organizes the Earth Observation Summit supported by EO4GEO.
In a 2.5 day event the EO-Summit is dedicated to 3 subjects closely related to the skills development and capacity building in the EO/GI sector and Copernicus User Uptake.
EO-Summit Agenda
Download the detailed agenda below:
Final Agenda: EO4GEO Dissemination Event in EO Summit 447.15 KB
Tue 25 June – Future trends in EO and GI
The adaption of new technologies continuously reshapes the Earth Observation (EO) and Geospatial Information (GI) world. The first day of our EO-Summit presents some of the technological trends that are changing the way geospatial and earth observation data will be collected, processed and presented in the future.
Wed 26 June – Business processes using EO and GI
The rapid technological evolution in EO and GI and the expanding use of EO/GI in other sectors create a gap between the supply and demand of skills in the sector. The analysis of actual business processes provides a way to understand how geospatial and EO data are used in order to revise existing academic courses and design VET curricula based on what is needed in real world applications.
The second day of the EO-Summit presents typical business processes in which EO and GI are used. It will be demonstrated how the analysis of the processes leads to an improved training and education offer through a meticulous curriculum design. The importance of the EO/GI Body of Knowledge, currently developed by the EO4GEO consortium with the support of sector experts, will be demonstrated. Several user communities will present their applications.
Thur 27 June – Towards a sustainable EO/GI skills strategy
To keep pace with technological developments and to support a growing Copernicus uptake, a sustainable strategy built on a systematic collaboration between all the actors of the education/training and space/geospatial ecosystem is essential. A technology trends watch and a living and evolving Body of Knowledge will support this, but only the active and long term support by public and private sector, the user community and academia can guarantee a long term success.
This third day (morning only) of the EO-summit will bring the different actors together to discuss what this long term strategy might look like and what the key conditions are to make such strategy a success.
For more information about the combined event and for registration, please visit ogcmeet.org.
For those who don’t know the Open Geospatial Consortium.
The OGC® is an international consortium of more than 500 companies, government agencies, research organizations, and universities participating in a consensus process to develop publicly available geospatial standards. OGC Standards support interoperable solutions that “geo-enable” the Web, wireless and location-based services, and mainstream IT. OGC Standards empower technology developers to make geospatial information and services accessible and useful with any application that needs to be geospatially enabled. Visit the OGC website at www.opengeospatial.org
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Join a Network pooling together expertise from academia, VET providers, company, public institutions, research centres and sectoral associations with the common goal of fostering skills development in the space and geoinformation downstream sector.