The EO4GEO Alliance members

Adhesion to the EO4GEO Alliance
We call all education/training stakeholders in the EO, GIS and Skills sectors to join us in order to establish synergies and collaborate. Be part of the EO4GEO Alliance and let’s discuss and work together on the supply and demand of skills in the EO/GIS sector.
In order to become member of the EO4GEO Alliance, you should fill in the request form and provide your contact details.
You will be then contacted to start the adhesion procedure, which implies the acceptance and signature of the Network Agreement. Your adhesion will be subject of approval by the Steering Committee of the Alliance. Upon approval of the adhesion you will be a full member of the Alliance, being involved in its activities and having full voting rights in the General Assembly of the members.
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Join the SPACE4GEO Alliance
Be part of the SPACE4GEO Alliance and let’s discuss and work together on the supply and demand of skills in the EO/GIS sector. Stakeholders in the EO, GIS and Skills sectors are more than welcome!
Join a Network pooling together expertise from academia, VET providers, company, public institutions, research centres and sectoral associations with the common goal of fostering skills development in the space and geoinformation downstream sector.