Active fire detection with Sentinel-3 data
A webinar promoted by EO4GEO | 28 October 2021. 14:30-16:00 CEST.
he EO4GEO Associated Partner Serco UK&E, invites you this October 28 at 14:30 CET to a webinar on the basics of image processing for active fire detection, showing how to download, process, analyse and visualize the free data acquired by the Copernicus satellites.
Wildfires are a recurrent hazard in Europe and at the global level. They cause a large economic and environmental damages and often result in the loss of human lives. It is thus essential to provide early warning and to increase preparedness to prevent wildfires and, when this is not possible, to minimize the damages caused by them.
Learning outomes
At the end of the session, the participants will:
- Understand how the data should be processed in order to be able to perform the analyses.
- Understand the concept and characteristics of Sentinel-3 SLSTR instrument and data it provides.
- Getting to know the concept of active fire detection using Sentinel-3 data (night and day-time detection).
- Identification of pixels containing active fires.
- Visualizing the analyses results.
EQF level: 3
Relevant EO4GEO BoK concepts
- [CF] Conceptual Foundations
- [IP6] Image processing (value) chain
- [GS3-4] Use of geospatial information in environmental issues
- [TA12] EO for societal and environmental challenges
- [TA12-1] EO for climate change mitigation & adaptation
- [TA13] EO services and applications
- [TA13-3] Assess disasters & geohazards
- [TA13-3-2] Detect and monitor wildfires
Webinar recording
The webinar is held by Tereza Roth, Remote sensing specialist at Serco and will cover the following topics:
- Introduction to the topic of active fire detection.
- Demonstration of the Sentinel-3 data processing for active fire detection.
- Live Q&A session.
Organised by Serco EO Training in collaboration with the EO4GEO project.

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