Air quality monitoring and management 2021-05-28T12:31:26+00:00

Air quality monitoring and management

An EO4GEO Webinar | 25 May 2021 at 14:00 CEST


his webinar aims to provide basic knowledge about the primary principles of air quality monitoring and management.

The participants will be able to understand the effects and the key factors of air pollution, the linkages to the urban environment and public health, as well as methods to explore qualitatively the air pollution patterns over a specific area.

The webinar is mainly non-technical and targets planners on regional/city/municipal scale as well professionals with no extensive experience in air quality.


    The Webinar is organized by University of Patras (UPAT), in the framework of the EO4GEO project.

    Webinar recording


    • Presentation of the webinar content
    • Presentation of the EO4GEO project.
    • The basics of air quality.
    • Primary and secondary air pollutants.
    • Sources and emissions of air pollutants in regional, municipal and higher spatial scales.
    • Links of air pollution with human health, ecosystem and urban climate .
    • Air quality monitoring using ground-based and satellite instruments.
    • Air quality modeling tools.
    • Air quality and Smart Cities.

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