Product Description
A webinar aiming to provide basic knowledge about the primary principles of air quality monitoring and management.
The participants will be able to understand the effects and the key factors of air pollution, the linkages to the urban environment and public health, as well as methods to explore qualitatively the air pollution patterns over a specific area.
The webinar is mainly non-technical and targets planners on regional/city/municipal scale as well professionals with no extensive experience in air quality.
Topics covered by the webinar:
- Demonstrate/Collect existing EO technologies and data to collect spatiotemporal measurements and forecasts of air pollution.
- Apply satellite-derived and ground-based data into air quality planning and decision making usable information.
- Understand relationships among emission sources, meteorological conditions, monitoring and modelling of air pollution for practical applications.
Learning outcomes
Recognize the basic atmospheric pollutants and their impact on climate and health.
Demonstrate knowledge of the natural processes involved in gas and particulate pollutants.
Apply this cognitive knowledge to explain state-of-the-art problems.
Process environmental information for the estimation of air pollution from individual sources.
Know computational tools and databases to record / visualize air pollution.
BoK concepts
Links to concepts from the EO4GEO Body of Knowledge used in this course:
- [AM10] Data mining
- [AM8]Geostatistics
- [CV1] History and trends
- [CV2] Data considerations
- [CV5] Map production
- [CV6] Usability
- [IP2] Data assimilation
- [PP1-5] Basic of Optics and Modern Physics of Sensors
- [PP1-6] Basics of Atmospheric Physics
- [PS1] Remote Sensing Sensors
- [PS2] Remote Sensing Platforms and Systems
- [PS3] Remote Sensing data and imagery
- [PS4] Satellite and Airborne Sensors and Missions Databases
- [TA1] Atmosphere Monitoring
- [TA2] Climate Change Monitoring
Webinar recording
The Webinar is organized by University of Patras (UPAT), in the framework of the EO4GEO project.
Education level
EQF 3 (what is this?)
Creation date
25 May 2021
+ | The material hosted in our e-learning platform consists of a video recording (1:31) and a slideset.
License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike.