Product Description
The programming course introduces the student the basics of the Leaflet library to create simple web-based maps. It provides examples to handle base maps and vector data with Leaflet.js.
This course is in Spanish language.
Learning outcomes
Identify main components and functionality of Leaflet library.
Describe Leaflet’s main functions and how they are employed.
Create a simple web-based map application.

BoK concepts
Links to concepts from the EO4GEO Body of Knowledge used in this course:
- > DA | Design and Setup of Geographic Information Systems
- > DA1 | System design
- > DA1-6 | User interface and Usability
- > DA1 | System design
- > DM | Data Modeling, Storage and Exploitation
- > DM4 | Vector data model, Feature based modelling, Applications
- > DM4-4 | Application models based on vector data
- > DM4 | Vector data model, Feature based modelling, Applications
- > WB | Web-based GI
- > WB6 | Application development via Web services composition
- > WB7 | Web Application development elements
- > WB7-1 | Hypertext markup scripting and styling
- > WB7-2 | Web Map APIs and Libraries
Material preview
Designed and developed by: Carlos Granell, Universitat Jaume I.
License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike.
Education level
EQF 4 (what is this?)
Creation date
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Find below a link to the GitHub repository where you can download the presentation.