Programación SIG en entornos Web: Introducción a Leaflet.js

EO4GEO Lecture

Programación SIG en entornos Web: Introducción a Leaflet.js 2022-03-21T17:17:51+00:00

Product Description

The programming course introduces the student the basics of the Leaflet library to create simple web-based maps. It provides examples to handle base maps and vector data with Leaflet.js.

This course is in Spanish language.

Learning outcomes

  • Identify main components and functionality of Leaflet library.

  • Describe Leaflet’s main functions and how they are employed.

  • Create a simple web-based map application.

BoK concepts

Links to concepts from the EO4GEO Body of Knowledge used in this course:

Material preview


Designed and developed by: Carlos Granell, Universitat Jaume I.

License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike.

Education level



Creation date



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