The EO4GEO project

EO4GEO Lecture

The EO4GEO project 2022-01-06T13:28:00+00:00

Product Description

This is a brief introductory presentation to the Erasmus+ EO4GEO project. EO4GEO is an Erasmus+ Sector Skills Alliance gathering 26 partners from 13 EU countries.

EO4GEO aims to help bridging the skills gap in the space/geospatial sector by creating a strong alliance of players from the sector/community reinforcing the existing ecosystem and fostering the uptake and integration of space/geospatial data and services.

Learning outcomes

  • Understand the main objectives and outcomes of the Erasmus+ EO4GEO project.

  • Evaluate the strategic importance of the EO4GEO project in the context of the Copernicus programme.

BoK concepts

Links to concepts from the EO4GEO Body of Knowledge used in this course:

Material preview


Designed and developed by: Roderic Molina, GISIG.

Contributors: Silvia Gorni, Milva Carbonaro, Estefanía Aguilar Moreno, Eva-Maria Missoni-Steinbacher.

License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike.

Education level


English | Spanish

Italian  | German

Creation date



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